Should You Get New or Refurbished Mailing Machines?

Should You Get New or Refurbished Mailing Machines?

So, you’ve heard that buying a mailing machine can help you greatly improve the efficiency and time that your business is able to process and send out mail. As a result, you’ve decided that it’d be a good idea to purchase your very own mailing machine. But you have two options: you can either opt for a refurbished mailing machine, or you can get one that is brand-new and never been used.

Right now, you’re probably thinking of going with a brand-new mailing machine – but not so fast. After learning about the pros and cons of each, many end up going with a refurbished machine. That said, take the time to read below to see which option would suit you best in the short- and long-run.

New versus Refurbished Mailing Machines

A refurbished mailing machine, as one might expect, is a machine that has been used before, is typically an older model which may or may not still be available for purchase as a brand-new machine by the manufacturer, is in lower demand by the public, and as a result, is priced more affordably.

On the flip side, a new mailing machine is, well, brand-new. It’s still in its original packaging and has yet to be used by a customer for the very first time. These new machines tend to have more technology and newer features that a mailing machine of an older model may not have. For instance, it might have more touchscreen features, be capable of working faster, and/or have additional tools that older models cannot provide. The con of opting for a new mailing machine, however, is that it costs a lot more than a refurbished machine, but for many businesses, the extra cost might be worth it and something that they can afford.

Get Your Mailing Machine from Square One Business Machines

Square One Business Machines would be delighted to supply you with either a refurbished or brand-new mailing machine. It all comes down to what you’re looking for in a mailing machine. Some people are all about the high-tech and wanting the latest and greatest features. Others simply want a mailing machine that is functional yet doesn’t cost a fortune. What do you want in your future mailing machine?

Speak with Square One Business Machines, and we’d be happy to help you decide which type of mailing machine you would best benefit from based on your budget, organization, preferences, and needs.