Give Your Employees Peace of Mind by Using the Powdersafe Mailing Screening Equipment That Can Keep Them Safe

Give Your Employees Peace of Mind by Using the Powdersafe Mailing Screening Equipment That Can Keep Them Safe

In this day and age, when employees feel less safe at work than they have in the past, having a way to make sure they are not handling hazardous materials in the mail can be a huge relief for them. Continue reading to discover the facts about Powdersafe mailing screening equipment and then contact Square One Business Machines at (972) 370-3664 for more information or to get started.

The System Created to Handle Suspicious Mail from Start to Finish

This system was actually created and developed specifically to handle suspicious mail. It can be used from the point of discovery all the way through to first responders testing facilities. While most companies will rarely have to deal with this issue, it is essential to have a plan in place in case it does come up.

The Key is in Isolation

The key to a successful system like this is that it is entirely airtight and allows for isolation. This system makes it simple to isolate the mail, contain it, and then safely remove it from the premises with as little disruption to your day to day business as possible. Having a plan in place for this situation is crucial. Having Powdersafe ready to use is ideal.

Your Employees Deserve to Feel Safe

There are a number of ways that this product can help your employees feel safer. First, they will know that if there are issues in the office, there is a plan to handle those issues. Second, if a white powder is found, they will feel safer knowing their exposure is extremely limited. Finally, the fact that this isolation option allows you to get the substance out of the building quietly and securely means that they will likely not even know about the issue until it has already been handled.

White Powder Risks Are on the Rise

It is an unfortunate fact that we are seeing an increase in white powder incidents. Taking measures to protect your employees is smart, warranted, and reasonable. This option is likely more affordable and easier to implement than you realize. You can always learn more by contacting Square One Business Machines at (972) 370-3664.