Discover How Sending a Pre-Paid Return Shipping Label Can Earn You Repeat Business

Discover How Sending a Pre-Paid Return Shipping Label Can Earn You Repeat Business

For some businesses, sending a pre-paid return shipping label is standard. For others, it doesn’t make any sense at all. After all, why would you make it easier for someone to return your product? The data actually shows that including this label could make sense. Keep reading for the facts and then contact Square One Business Machines at (972) 370-3664 to discover how we can help you with all your shipping needs.

The Truth About Returns

There are two facts that anyone who sells online should accept. First, returns are inevitable. Second, the process of returning an item is an essential factor in a customer’s experience. One study showed that nearly three out of four shoppers said they “love it” when a company includes a prepaid shipping label in their package. When that customer reviews your product, having a label in your box could make all the difference.

Do You Really Risk Encouraging Customers to Return Goods?

Is it true that customers will be more likely to return something if they don’t like it, when there is a return label versus when there is not? One thing to consider is that more and more customers are making it a practice to buy an item in numerous colors, sizes, etc. and then returning the ones that aren’t right.

No longer is it true that returns are a sign that a customer is not satisfied with a product, so the question is not whether or not they are going to return it, but how simple or complicated you will make it for them.

Remember That “Pre-Paid” is Not Really Pre-Paid

One issue that companies often get hung up on is the idea of paying for pre-paid labels whether a customer uses them or not. This is not how it works. When you create a prepaid shipping label with the help of our mailing products, you are not actually charged for the postage until the customer sends the item back and it is scanned by the carrier.

It is Really a Matter of Customer Service

The real question here is whether or not you want your customers to applaud your customer service. If you want them to tell others that shopping with you not only got them the products they needed, but that it was fun and easy, then including a pre-paid shopping label is a must.

If you have questions about the various mailing products out there and which one(s) are right for you, we invite you to contact Square One Business Machines at (972) 370-3664 to learn more.